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Naša zgodba

Zaljubljena v kavo

Zaljubljena sva v kavo. V vse tiste male zgodbice in spomine, ki jih kava prinaša s sabo. In zaljubljena drug v drugega.

Kava naju spremlja že skoraj dvajset let in sva v nenehnem iskanju popolne skodelice kave. Kava je imela skozi zgodovino pri nas vedno zelo pomembno vlogo, vse odkar so jo k nam prinesli Turki pred približno petsto leti. Vse od takrat je bila kava zelo spoštovana in cenjena dobrina. Danes, ko so tudi najboljše kave sveta na dosegu praktično vsakomur, se dobro zavedava, da pijemo slabo kavo. In kar naju skrbi, je dejstvo, da nam ni mar! Najine sanje in poslanstvo so, da Vam ponudiva najkvalitetnejše kave sveta, ki izzovejo Vaša čutila, da odkrijejo neverjetne arome in okuse, Vas osrečijo in dajo nekaj tiste dodatne energije, ki Vam bo pomagala doseči tisto, kar se Vam je do zdaj zdelo nedosegljivo.


Življenje je prekratko za slabo kavo, zato pokusite naše sveže pražene kave in okusite razliko!

We are coffee enthusiasts in love. In love with the coffee, in love with all the small stories and memories it brings along and in love with each other.Coffee has been in our lives for the past 20 years and we are continuously in the pursuite of the perfect cup.  We are located in central Europe, which means coffee has important place in our history, since it was brought to our country by Turkish people rughly 500 years ago. Ever since, coffee was presented and very appreciated in our area. With globalisation and having some of the best coffees our planet has to offer in reach, we are very much aware, that we are drinking bad coffee. And what scares us the most is that we don't even mind drinking it! Our dream and goal is, to offer you a coffee that will be a joy to drink and also challenge your senses to discover incredible aromas and tastes, to make you happy and give you that extra bit of energy to help you to reach what used to be unreachable.


Life is too short for bad coffee, so try our freshly roasted coffee beans and taste the difference.

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